Turboprop aircraft are quite capable when it comes to payload and weather. But unlike their skinny relatives in the jet-family our plump turboprops often have to stay in the soup rather than just climb through it. So these aircraft are often understaffed when single pilot operated in adverse weather conditions.
Of course, pilots are well-trained and they think they understand meaning of demeanor and motor. But flying ‘weather’ does not only induce stress into technical systems; it also needs a pilot which is on his A-game. That’s hard. Bleed-air and capable environmental systems stimulate more our complacency than much more needed awareness.
Our two hour workshop will shed some light, what it really means to fly a turboprop to its potential and what a pilot has to expect when doing so. [unordered_list style="arrow"]
- How does a turboprop work under ‘normal conditions?
- What is affected when things become tough?
- What does this mean for me as a pilot?
- Do you have a plan?
- Ice protection airframe
- Ice protection fuel, fuel inhibitor
- Preventive strategies before going into ‘weather’
- Emergency procedures of different turboprops and turbines
05:00 PM - 07:00 PM (17:00 - 19:00)
[ESPRESSO_VENUE event_id="16"]
Price for early birds: Register 14+ days in advance and enjoy a 5% discount (automatically applied at check-out).
Please note: The "Early Bird Discount" requires immediate payment. So please make sure, you complete your registration by paying with the PayPal button!
Limit of 20 participants maximum per course! This workshop needs a minimum of 6 participants. In case we cannot reach minimum participation we'll notify all participants and refund the course fee 100%.